University of Cincinnati and UC Health mark fundraising milestone

Thanks to the support of more than 131,000 donors, Next, Now: The Campaign for Cincinnati reached its $2 billion goal in September 2023, well in advance of its planned June 2024 close—putting UC in a group of elite universities who have surpassed $2 billion.The Next, Now comprehensive campaign ran from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2024.

Donors from across the country have changed the lives of generations of Bearcats through investments in scholarships, research and life-changing initiatives at UC and UC Health.

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This astounding philanthropic milestone is an achievement that deserves celebration. I am proud of what our donor community has accomplished together on behalf of the University of Cincinnati and UC Health. While celebrating this transformative number, we want to thank and recognize every single donor who contributed. Nearly 90% of gifts that contributed to this $2 billion total were under $1,000.

Peter E. Landgren, UC Foundation President

Your Gifts, Their Success

Webster-Gustin Medical Scholarship Fund scholars

Webster-Gustin Medical Scholarship Fund

At the UC College of Medicine, an anonymous donor established the Webster-Gustin Medical Scholarship, providing full tuition for 40 students.

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Gift honors engineering mentor

A $25 million gift from alumnus Jim Goetz inspired the renaming of the Engineering Research Center to the new Mantei Center after Thomas Mantei, PhD, emeritus professor.

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Mantei Center dedication at the University of Cincinnati
Ohio Innocence Project Gala

Ohio Innocence Project

A $15 million gift from Richard Rosenthal, the most significant donation for UC Law and any innocence program, advances the OIP’s efforts. To date, 42 wrongly convicted Ohioans have been released because of OIP’s work.

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Indoor Practice Facility and Performance Center

UC Athletics celebrated its largest gift in its history from Larry and Rhonda Sheakley. Their generosity spearheaded the multimillion-dollar Indoor Practice Facility and Performance Center.

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Indoor Practice Facility and Performance Center ground breaking event
Marian Spencer Scholars Program decision day

Marian Spencer Scholars Program

The scholarship program allows 10 students annually from Cincinnati Public Schools to receive full tuition, room and board and a service abroad trip to Tanzania.

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